Psalm 66:5

Come and see what God has done:

He is awesome in His deeds towards children.

Our Mission

All the King's Children Foundation is a team of citizens fighting for a common goal - providing children with basic human needs. Our mission is to assist in providing the necessities of life so children in our community may flourish despite challenges, hardship and diversity.

All the King's Children Foundation

is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

What is AtKC all about?

All the King's Children Foundation is working to be a liaison between schools, civic organizations, businesses, churches, citizens and volunteer groups in order to effectively meet the basic human needs of children in our local communities. 

We support those who are already meeting needs and strive to meet the needs not yet being met.  By working together, we hope to eliminate the duplication of effort and also help those serving children know what is available to them.  

All the King's Children Foundation works to keep our children healthy by providing items such as Personal Care Kits, hygiene supplies and Refresh Kits to local students.

By working with school nurses and social workers, we are better able to determine what types of needs exist.

And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16

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